Hilt (laser)
High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) is currently one of the most modern therapeutic (physical) methods used in physiotherapy. High-intensity laser therapy (HILT) is a non-invasive treatment method that gives a lasting and almost immediate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in pathologically affected areas of the body. The unquestionable advantage of high-energy laser therapy is the biostimulative effect, which at the cellular level stimulates numerous regenerative processes accelerating the course of treatment.
Higher peak power of the high-energy laser, the use of two wavelengths 808 nm and / or 980 nm during treatment, the ability to modulate the beam, and the mode of operation (superpulse mode) compared to traditional low-power lasers enables the user to quickly deliver a larger dose of energy and deeper penetration, so we give therapy to places where access was previously limited (we reach deeper tissues).
Effects of HILT laser treatment:
- analgesic effect,
- Anti-inflammatory effect (subacute and chronic phase),
- anti-edema effect,
- reducing muscle tension,
- Increasing the elasticity of the scar,
- Increasing tissue regeneration,
- Accelerating tissue regeneration,
- Increasing blood circulation to the irradiated area.
Indications for HILT laser treatment:
- Inflammation of muscles and joints, bursae, tendon sheaths (Dequervain’s syndrome),
- Overload and degenerative changes of muscle attachments so-called Enthesopathies,
- intramuscular hematomas,
- Post-traumatic conditions of muscles (pulling, tearing, contracture),
- Post-traumatic conditions of periarticular tissues (damage to the meniscus, ligaments),
- degenerative changes in the joints,
- Rheumatic diseases (RA in remission, AS),
- Obstructed bone fusion.
Contraindications for the use of high energy dose laser:
- cancer diseases,
- pulmonary tuberculosis,
- bleeding tendencies,
- Acute inflammation and febrile conditions,
- pregnancy,
- Arrhythmia and circulatory failure,
- hypersensitivity to light,
- unstabilized diabetes,
- open wounds,
- Sensory disturbances at the treatment site,
- Eye area,
- Bacterial, viral and fungal diseases,
- electronic implants.

Wskazania do zabiegu z wykorzystaniem lasera HILT:
- stany zapalne mięśni i stawów, kaletek, pochewek ścięgnistych (zespół Dequervaina),
- zmiany przeciążeniowo – zwyrodnieniowe przyczepów mięśni tzw. Entezopatie,
- krwiaki śródmięśniowe,
- stany pourazowe mięśni (naciągnięcie, naderwanie, przykurcz),
- stany pourazowe tkanek okołostawowych (uszkodzenie łąkotki, więzadeł),
- zmiany zwyrodnieniowe stawów,
- choroby reumatyczne (RZS w stanie remisji, ZZSK),
- utrudniony zrost kostny.
Przeciwwskazania dla użycia lasera o wysokiej dawce energii:
- choroby nowotworowe,
- gruźlica płuc,
- skłonności do krwawień,
- ostre stany zapalne i stany gorączkowe,
- ciąża,
- arytmia i niewydolność krążenia,
- nadwrażliwość na światło,
- cukrzyca nieustabilizowana,
- rany otwarte,
- zaburzenia czucia w miejscu terapii,
- okolice oczu,
- choroby bakteryjne, wirusowe i grzybicze,
- implanty elektroniczne.

Rzeszów, al. Rejtana 53 (3 piętro) tel. 17 865 20 06 |
Mielec, ul. Partyzantów 21 tel. 17 788 92 26 |