The Whirlpool bath is a hydrotherapy treatments. The treatment is performed under water and can include a circular part of the body ( lower limbs , upper limbs) as well as the whole body. Special bathtubs equipped with jets are used, which set the water in a whirling motion by means of a mechanical drive. The main effects of whirlpool massage are relaxation of muscles, increasing the range of mobility of joints, stimulation of circulation, which leads to better oxygenation and nutrition of tissues.
- duration: 15 min
- water temperature between 34 and 37 degrees Celsius, depending on the indications
- No jewelry and removal of ointments, gels from the skin
- spinal pain syndromes
- flaccid and spastic paralysis
- increased muscle tension
- ankylosing spondylitis
- conditions after fractures, dislocations and sprains
- muscular atrophy
- chronic inflammation
- scar contractures
- circulatory insufficiency
- bedsores
- open skin wounds
- cancers
- active thrombotic disease
- fever
- acute infections of the body
- diabetic foot
- acute phlebitis
- untreated hypertension
- states after myocardial infarction
- skin diseases

Rzeszów, al. Rejtana 53 (3 piętro) tel. 17 865 20 06 |